Fluz occupies a lot of first line slots with its 35% discount. When you click on the link you are not taken to a website where you can buy the card. Instead you are taken to their website where you find out that you have to download their app,
They are basically a Payment Service that will give you a discount.
As a sign-up promo you get several Vouchers that will let you get 35% off of the first $10 of your purchase. The balance will be a much, much lower discount. Lower than you would get if you actually bought a discount gift card. That how they make their money
To get additional “35% off $10” vouchers you have to have referrals sign up.
For frequent discount card buyers, other than the vouchers this site is a rip-off, examples:
Buca di Beppo: Fluz 3.5%; Raise 28.5%
Kohl’s: Fluz 2.0%; EJgiftcards 10.0%
TO: Giftcardwiki -
- Fluz listings are unfair to your other markets. Fluz hogs the top slots of the listings, but don’t have the cards to sell.
- On your “Markets” tab you list your markets. GCW users can add a review. BUT for Fluz I get the followning message: Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private. Wassup with that?
Please drop them from your main listings. If you have to list them put them in different category such as, **"Discount Payment Services"**